UCPs Christmas Night of Lights 5K & Fun Run Returns for 2021
Having taken a year off due to COVID, United Cerebral Palsy of Mobile’s Christmas Night of Lights 5k & Fun Run through the lights at Hank Aaron Stadium is back! This is your only opportunity to run or walk though the Christmas lights at The Hank on the night before it opens to the public for vehicular traffic.
In 2019, even with a light rain, the race saw a record number of entries and an even larger interest is expected this year. Registrations are now being taken, until November 10th, for $25 per adult (13-up) or $20.00 per youth (2-12). An additional registration fee of $5.00 will be added on the day of the race. If a T-shirt is not wanted deduct $3.00.
All proceeds from all our events benefit United Cerebral Palsy and its various services and programs. UCP serves over 700 families each month in 32 counties in south Alabama. Established in 1949, the agency is one of the oldest and most respected in the community, offering programs in 32 counties. Services begin in infancy with the Early Intervention program and continue through adulthood with programs like the Adult Day Program and Supported Employment. Other ways UCP serves it clients include speech, physical and occupational therapy, preschool classes, respite, Camp SMILE and more.
For more information, visit the Night of Lights’ Facebook® page at www.facebook.com/UCPNightsofLights5k or call Wayne Dean or Amy Angermeier at 251.479.4900.
Photo: UCP Mobile