City of Pensacola Hurricane Sally Recovery Update

City of Pensacola Hurricane Sally Recovery Update #3

New information is highlighted.

City of Pensacola staff have been working diligently to clear downed trees from city roadways, restore traffic signals, clear stormwater ponds, assess damages and more since Hurricane Sally made landfall. City Public Works and Facilities, Parks and Recreation, Inspection Services and Sanitation Services staff began recovery work as soon as it was safe to do so after Hurricane Sally, and the city has also hired several contractors to help expedite the recovery efforts. 

The public's patience is appreciated as crews continue to work throughout the city.

City Hurricane Sally Recovery Summary as of 4:30 p.m. Monday, Sept. 21:

  • All of the city's 92 signalized intersections are working. 
  • All major stormwater ponds are being pumped down successfully, and storm inlets/pipes are being cleared by city crews.
  • Damage assessments of city building facilities have been completed. The current damage estimate for city building facilities is at approximately $10 million. 
  • City Parks and Recreation facilities are currently being assessed for damages. All city community centers have been assessed for damages, along with Osceola Golf Course. The damage assessments will continue this week.
  • 353 trees have been reported blocking roadways so far, and approximately 345 of those have been cleared. All remaining blockages should be cleared within the next 24 hours. If there is a downed tree blocking your street (within City of Pensacola limits) and it has not been removed by Tuesday, Sept. 22, please call Parks and Recreation at 850-436-5670.
  • Damage assessments of city parks and waterfront assets are currently taking place. Preliminary damage estimates are expected to be complete within the next 24 hours. The current damage estimate for city parks and waterfront assets is at approximately $10 million - $12 million.
  • A total of 15 crews (10 city crews and five contractor crews) began picking up debris today. More crews will be added later this week to expedite debris pickup.
  • City staff went out with FEMA's Damage Assessment Team today and will go out again tomorrow for additional damage assessments.
  • The city distributed over 1,000 tarps Sunday, Sept. 20 at Fire Stations 1 and 6 and Monday, Sept. 21 at several city community centers. 
  • Private property damage assessment is currently at $15 million in the City of Pensacola.

Drivers are urged to use extra caution on the roads and watch for downed trees, power lines and debris. Please remember to treat intersections with traffic signal outages as four-way stops.

Please stay tuned to the City of Pensacola's website and Facebook page for updates on Hurricane Sally recovery and impacts to city services.

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