Teacher's Hand-Washing Hack

Of all the ways schools and parents are encouraging kids to wash their hands, one teacher's simple hack stands out as pure genius.

"I've had a 'Mrs. Woods' stamp for years and have used it to stamp my classroom books," Woods said. "I decided to grab that on a Monday morning, told students to wash their hands in the classroom sink and then come see their teacher -- this was their morning work as we call it. I put the stamp on their hands and they were sold when I told them prizes were involved."

That first day was "training day." Because the kids knew they would get a prize once the stamp was gone, they wanted it off right away.

But "once we went over the expectations and purpose, it became a routine for all of my students," she said. "Each morning since then, they get their stamp and go about their day. I check for their stamp at the end of the day and if it's faded or gone, they get their prize."

The teacher called it a "great motivator" for the kids. The goal, she said, is to get the kids to a place where washing their hands multiple times a day is second nature.

Read the whole article below! And scroll down to see her Facebook post!


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